FRIDAY / 31.10 13:00 – 14:00Louwrien Wijers “Education is only possible through initiation. One needs an example. In earlier times the teacher was the example that one...
FRIDAY / 31.10 13:00 – 20:00Kat Válastur We were better in the future is a work that displaces the rehearsal of the artist’s unfinished dance piece Ah!...
FRIDAY / 31.10 13:00, 18:00AEAEAEAE & Tiago Romagnani Silveira Like a superstructure, it exists beyond authority as a leaderless imposition, a kind of blind power, an emergent form of...
FRIDAY / 31.10 14:00Elise Eeraerts stretched cube (spast) consists of a two-metre tall object comprised of six aluminium plates that can be assembled and disassembled...
FRIDAY / 31.10 14:00 – 16:00Deborah Ligorio Collaborators: Wietske Maas (artist), Alex Martinis Roe (artist), Patricia Reed (artist-writer), Thilo Wiertz (social scientist) Participants in this workshop will explore...
FRIDAY / 31.10 14:00, 16:00, 18:00Hans-Henning Korb Nadeln Äste der Akupunkteur verlasst die Praxis Intimität und Konzentration neu erfindend nomadisch wandernd zwischen Bäumen von einem Ort zum anderen Körper Baum die be-Suchen-den helle Lichter überkreuzend Energiemanifestationen schwebend zwischen...