SATURDAY / 01.11 14:00Eric Ellingsen &Dr. Uwe Westphal In the dark, your fingers confirm the shape of the land. Ammassalik wooden maps are carved, tactile maps of the...
SATURDAY / 01.11 14:00Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani This intervention invites visitors to take part in a patience exercise: balancing a raw egg in front of Berlin’s Neue...
SATURDAY / 01.11 14:00 – 22:00Robel Temesgen A low cost newspaper, forty pages of recycled blank paper filled with handwritten “news”, exclusive news. No duplication, no distribution, no...
SATURDAY / 01.11 14:00, 16:00, 18:00Hans-Henning Korb Nadeln Äste der Akupunkteur verlasst die Praxis Intimität und Konzentration neu erfindend nomadisch wandernd zwischen Bäumen von einem Ort zum anderen Körper Baum die be-Suchen-den helle Lichter überkreuzend Energiemanifestationen schwebend zwischen...
SATURDAY / 01.11 14:30Rike Horb Poured fresh concrete merging fragments. Revitalised leftovers from strange places and times. Condensed efforts to hard weights. A labour in...
SATURDAY / 01.11 14:30 & 15:00Rafael Ibarra Twins circulate through the inner and outer spaces of the Neue Nationalgalerie. Their visual similarity becomes a reference point against...